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interpack - 7 to 13 May 2026

Circular Valley Convention 2025
A high-calibre conference programme on the future of the circular economy

Circular Valley Convention 2025

The Circular Valley Convention on 12 and 13 March 2025 will turn Düsseldorf into a hotspot for the circular economy. As part of the conference, expo and event platform, leading players in the fields of business, science, politics and society will come together to discuss challenges and opportunities. The innovative format offers you the opportunity to position yourself as a pioneer in the field of circular economy and discover new circular solutions.

As the world's leading packaging trade fair, interpack sets standards in terms of the circular economy. With innovative concepts for the production, finishing and distribution of packaging, it offers the perfect stage to present resource-saving solutions.

Hendrik Wüst lends his patronage

Hendrik Wüst

© Land NRW / Ralph Sondermann

The Premier of North Rhine-Westphalia, Hendrik Wüst, has a particular appreciation for this event and has agreed to be the patron of the Circular Valley Convention 2025. His support not only underscores the event's importance, but also sends a strong signal that economic progress and active climate protection must be combined so that we can jointly shape the transition to a sustainable future.

Unique programme featuring top speakers

Experience the visionaries of the circular economy live at the Circular Valley Convention. The speaker line-up includes over 200 global decision-makers and experts who will present innovative strategies and solutions on three stages.

  • Laurent Auguste, CEO, Der Grüne Punkt
  • Dr Christine Lemaitre, CEO, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen e.V. (German Sustainable Building Council)
  • Professor Holger Hanselka, President, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
  • Sean Jones, Chief Sustainability Officer, Microsoft Germany
  • Katja Busch, CCO, DHL Group
  • Liam Condon, CEO, Johnson Matthey plc
You can look forward to exciting keynotes, panel discussions and master classes. The full conference programme is now available online.

Meet our top exhibitors

The Circular Valley Convention brings together innovation drivers and leading companies that present their circular technologies and solutions. You can look forward to the following CVC partners and exhibitors:

Good reasons to visit us

Shaping tomorrow's circular ecenomy together

The Circular Valley Convention is a central hub for people who want to actively shape the future of the circular economy. Get your ticket today to experience a unique event with many benefits, for example:

  • Holistic approach: The Circular Valley Convention covers all phases of the circular economy across all industries and material classes, from product design, production and logistics to utilisation, collection and recycling.

  • High-calibre conference programme: Experts and visionaries of the circular economy present current and future strategies for the transformation of the economy.

  • Innovative solutions: At the expo, start-ups, specialists and global market leaders will present user-orientated circular solutions for various business models.

  • First-class networking: Establish valuable contacts with decision-makers from the fields of business, science, politics and society and expand your network in the long term.

  • Exclusive evening event: You can look forward to the "Circular Night" on 12 March, which includes a programme and music in a relaxed atmosphere.

Your interface to the future of the circular economy

Philip Scheffler, Project Lead Circular Valley Convention
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