

Dumoulin S.A.

4 machines on the booth!

Dumoulin will exhibit their latest product

developments which include the IDA 750

Classic (a new revisited model) and the

technologically advanced IDA 1002X, both for

sugar and sugar-free coating. Also on display

will be the impressive IDA 3002CV, the largest

and fastest equipment for chocolate coating,

polishing and varnishing on the market today.

The IDA and IDA-X are Dumoulin’s brand of

coating machines. The IDA line is mainly used

for chocolate and soft sugar panning where the

IDA-X line is designed for hard sugar and

sugar-free coating as they both use a perforated

drum. Another exhibit will be the new Mini

Coater LogiC with a batch size up to 250 kg

providing for a fully automated process of

chocolate coating, polishing, and varnishing. All

Dumoulin equipment is designed with the lowest

product bed depth of any comparable machine.

Exhibitor Data Sheet