For anyone who loves Paris: Special editions from L’Artisan Parfumeur featuring famous Parisian landmarks. Photos: L'Artisan Parfumeur
Open Sesame - Beautifully presented pop-up and gift boxes continue to be popular for cosmetics
For Mother’s Day and Father’s Day (celebrated in France and elsewhere on 19 June 2016), ‚Jean Paul Gaultier’ have created a special edition, based on a packaging trend that is becoming more and more common at the moment. To celebrate those occasions, Gaultier have designed a special gift box for their classic scent, one version for ladies and another for men. This box is very special indeed.
Jean Paul Gautier have created two special pop-up boxes – for Mum on Mother’s and for Dad on Father’s Days. Photo:
Grand style
Each box is covered in silver polyester paper, printing in colour and featuring a special lighting effect. When the customer opens the flap, some beautifully presented decorations pop up. The actual product can be found underneath. This first level rests on a piece of cardboard with recesses where the product is embedded.
The new, beautifully presented range of eyeshadows at Urban Decay has been inspired by Alice in Wonderland. Photo: Urban Decay
Uncommon ideas need to be implemented professionally
The decorations are cut out with a laser tool. They are then folded and laminated, creating a relief effect which is enhanced by the mirroring produced by the polyester paper. The Gaultier edition benefited from the many years of expertise and experience gathered by packaging professionals at the ‚Cosfibel Group’ . Producing this special set involved the manual compilation of over twenty different parts.
A special gift under the Christmas tree. Once it has been opened, this plain gift box from Chanel transforms itself into a magical snowy landscape. Photos:
The result is highly presentable, so that it is not just the product itself that amazes customers, but also the special surprise effect caused by their truly memorable unwrapping experience. Other well-known companies, too, are increasingly drawing attention to their products through unconventional packaging, e.g. ‚Chanel’, , L’Artisan Parfumeur and ‚Urban Decay’ . Special editions with beautifully presented details are becoming more and more common – and in fact not just on festive occasions such as Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter.