You only put as much food on your plate as you can eat. The business model of the Crowdbutching company also follows our mum’s good advice. First meat orders are collected, then the animal is slaughtered. This way the company ensures that the meat rations are also used up 100%. Photo: Crowdbutching
222 million tons of food are wasted in affluent countries – this corresponds to the complete sub-Saharan food production in Africa. Projects like those initiated by the Lenert bakery show that old food can be turned into new delicatessen. Photo: Bäckerei Lenert
A high-proof idea – when old bread is distilled into schnapps. Photo: Kaisers gute Backstube
Per capita waste by consumers is between 95 to 115 kg a year in Europe and North America, while consumers in sub-Saharan Africa, south and south-eastern Asia, each throw away only 6 to 11 kg a year. Photo: FAO