According to the FAO, 1.3 billion tonnes of food is lost each year – a share of 30 to 40 per cent. Photo: Woman checking food labelling © Korta /

According to the FAO, 1.3 billion tonnes of food is lost each year – a share of 30 to 40 per cent. Photo: Woman checking food labelling © Korta /

Debate on best-before date produces new business ideas - Expired, but still fine

Unpopular products are increasing in popularity

Asda (UK) is currently trialling wonky vegetables, e.g. the carrots shown here. These are available at a range of supermarkets, along with food that is past its best-before date. Photo: Asda Stores

Asda (UK) is currently trialling wonky vegetables, e.g. the carrots shown here. These are available at a range of supermarkets, along with food that is past its best-before date Photo: Asda Stores Limited.

No best-before date for pasta, flour or rice

Best before or best by dates are only advisory and refer to the quality of the product.  ©: Björn Wylezich /

Best before or best by dates are only advisory and refer to the quality of the product.Food kept after the best before date will not necessarily be harmful, but may begin to lose its optimum flavour and texture. ©: Björn Wylezich /

Beautiful on the Inside – vital information on the packaging

Bump Mark – a layer of gelatin embedded in the packaging – is a freshness label that provides tactile information whether food is still edible or whether it has gone off. Photo:

Bump Mark – a layer of gelatin embedded in the packaging – is a freshness label that provides tactile information whether food is still edible or whether it has gone off. Photo:

Photo: Approved Food

Photo: Approved Food

A few interesting facts:

The German Federal Minister of Food, Christian Schmidt (of the conservative party CSU) wants to halve food waste by 2030. Photo: BMEL/photothek/Michael Gottschalk

The German Federal Minister of Food, Christian Schmidt (of the conservative party CSU) wants to halve food waste by 2030. Photo: BMEL/photothek/Michael Gottschalk

Further information


SAVE FOOD Packaging Award at interpack 2017 - WorldStar Award to receive new category

Packaging has sustainable solutions in store which – beyond protecting the packaged merchandise – also prevents food loss and waste. The “SAVE FOOD” Initiative has already been committed to this end since 2011 and is now to receive its own category in the renowned WorldStar Award for the first time.
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