It is one of the most coveted industry awards in the field of packaging: the WorldStar Award of the World Packaging Organisation (WPO). In 2017 the award presented annually will be extended to include another category. The new “SAVE FOOD Packaging Award” is designed to recognise packaging solutions that can help to reduce food loss and waste. Those eligible are sustainable concepts with the lowest use of resources possible.
Delighting at the award presentation as part of interpack 2017 Bernd Jablonowski, Global Portfolio Director Packaging & Processing at Messe Düsseldorf, says: “We are providing the WorldStar Awards with a platform that lives up to the reputation of the renowned award. After all, there is no other event worldwide with such a high concentration of innovations and international flair as interpack”. For the Vice President Sustainability & Food Safety at the WPO, Dr. Johannes Bergmair, this award is a logical extension to the award categories: “After all, good packaging can make a major contribution to less food going to waste,” he says commenting on the new award.
As part of the cooperation between Messe Düsseldorf and the WPO in the run-up to interpack 2017 association representatives from over 15 nations will be presenting country awards in various categories and those of retail and transport packaging. The country winners will then compete with each other at interpack 2017 from 4 to 10 May.
Wie bereits bei der letzten interpack 2014 wird das Thema SAVE FOOD auch 2017 erneut im Innovationparc Packaging aufgegriffen. Bei der Sonderschau mit dem Fokus auf zukunftsorientierte Themen treffen sich Besucher und Aussteller zum kreativen Austausch, um gemeinsam visionäre Ideen zu entwickeln.
Analog wird zudem auch in 2017 der internationale "Save Food" Kongress unter Beteiligung der Welternährungsorganisation der Vereinten Nationen (FAO) und dem Umweltprogramm der Vereinten Nationen (UNEP) wieder am ersten Messetag veranstaltet werden.