An increasing number of people are moving to cities and need ever more packaging. Photo: /

An increasing number of people are moving to cities and need ever more packaging. Photo: /

Expensive Paper

Shortage of Raw Materials

Raw material prices for paper production have risen starkly. Photo: File: #178805760 | Copyright: industrieblick /

Raw material prices for paper production have risen starkly. Photo: File: #178805760 | Copyright: industrieblick /

Impact of Megatrends

Consumers increasingly demand packaging that is recyclable. Photo: Coconut water in Tetra Prisma® Aseptic carton packs. Photo: TetraPak

Consumers increasingly demand packaging that is recyclable. Photo: Coconut water in Tetra Prisma® Aseptic carton packs. Photo: TetraPak

The growth of online shopping is fuelling a rise in the use of paper and cardboard packaging materials. Photo: Stora Enso

The growth of online shopping is fuelling a rise in the use of paper and cardboard packaging materials. Photo: Stora Enso