Pallets score points with their raw material - wood. CO2 savings can be checked live online at live.  Photo: Christian Schwier /

Pallets score points with their raw material - wood. CO2 savings can be checked live online at live. Photo: Christian Schwier /

Pallets to Save the World

Digital capture of CO2 savings makes environmental benefit visible

Famous Blueprint

Save the World: the GPAL Clock aims to promote the ecological image and values of the EPAL Deutschland. Photo: GEPAL

Save the World: the GPAL Clock aims to promote the ecological image and values of the EPAL Deutschland. Photo: GEPAL

Results worth Shouting About

In Germany some 80 million EPAL euro pallets have been produced since August 2013. This totals over two billion kilograms in saved CO2. Photo: EPAL

In Germany some 80 million EPAL euro pallets have been produced since August 2013. This totals over two billion kilograms in saved CO2. Photo: EPAL