Stability for plastics and rubber machinery manufacturers
For the entire machinery and plant manufacturers’ sector 2015 was a zero-growth year. It is true that Germany’s industry with the highest number of employees has achieved a high nominal production output volume worth Euro 199 billion, but machinery producers failed to grow further last year. The industry association VDMA does not expect real growth for 2016 either.
Plastics and rubber machines also on a high level in 2016
The over 200 enterprises producing plastics and rubber machines, however, fared differently. They managed to increase their sales by five percent in 2015. While domestic sales dropped due to an approximately 10% drop in order volumes against 2014, the export share could be raised by 11%. “Export growth is dominated by supplies to countries within the European Union; boasting particularly high demand for German plastics and rubber machines were the four biggest markets Poland, Italy, United Kingdom and France,” says Ulrich Reifenhäuser, Chairman of the Association with satisfaction.
Strong exports
The industry also posted an increase in exports to the USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and India. By contrast, deliveries to Russia again suffered a dip. In Asia the demand situation for German plastics and rubber machinery has remained stable. While India boasts a strong increase, though from a low level for the first time after several years, while exports to China noticeably dropped. The situation in Japan and Taiwan is similar. Only South East Asia with Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam seems to have growth rates for shipments from Germany.
According to the association, plastic and rubber machinery manufacturers can also hope for a growth course until 2017. By the end of next year industry representatives anticipate an average growth rate of 2% whereas the European mechanical engineering industry is expected to grow by 1.5%. The global plastics and rubber machinery industry is even forecast to grow by 3.2%. Extra momentum for the sector is expected to be generated by the plastic & rubber trade fair “K”, held from 19 to 26 October 2016 at the Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre. .