The universal packaging for engine bonnets can also be used for other products. Photo: Mondi Wellpappe Ansbach GmbH

The universal packaging for engine bonnets can also be used for other products. Photo: Mondi Wellpappe Ansbach GmbH

"If it doesn't fit, we’ll make it fit ..."

Modern bulky shipment containers

The importance of unboxing

Awards for large packaging

In 2015 the bicycle box for Riese & Müller was honoured with the German Packaging Award, as it was found to be a good cost-and-time saver with a customer-friendly opening system.

In 2015 the bicycle box for Riese & Müller was honoured with the German Packaging Award, as it was found to be a good cost-and-time saver with a customer-friendly opening system. Photo: Faktum GmbH, DS Smith

Packaging big items often involves the use of shrink film. Military vehicle, boats, large machinery and snowmobiles, making them fit for shipment. Photo: Cortec

What might be hiding there? Packaging big items often involves the use of shrink film – as, for instance, for this military vehicle. The same method is equally suitable for boats, large machinery and snowmobiles, making them fit for shipment. Photo: Cortec