140 million fewer plastic bags end up on waste dumps each year: REWE is gradually banning plastic bags. Photo: "obs/REWE Markt GmbH/Meta Welling"

140 million fewer plastic bags end up on waste dumps each year: REWE is gradually banning plastic bags. Photo: "obs/REWE Markt GmbH/Meta Welling"

Not in the Bag

Plastic Bag Ban Increases

Across Europe eight million plastic bags end up in municipal waste every year. On average every EU citizen is using almost 200 plastic bags a year. Photo: Rubbish that can be recycled © photka / foto

Across Europe eight million plastic bags end up in municipal waste every year. On average every EU citizen is using almost 200 plastic bags a year. Photo: Rubbish that can be recycled © photka / foto

Bags gone – purse open

What is happening on the continent meanwhile ...

High aims worldwide