
The power’s in the peel

How oranges become car parts

Orange is the new plastic

University of Bayreuth’s team of researchers worked on PLimC for years. Prof. Dr. Seema Agarwal, Oliver Hauenstein M.Sc. and Prof. Dr. Andreas Greiner (from left).

University of Bayreuth’s team of researchers worked on PLimC for years. Prof. Dr. Seema Agarwal, Oliver Hauenstein M.Sc. and Prof. Dr. Andreas Greiner (from left).

Green chemistry

PLimC is the name of a versatile compound made from orange peels that enables the production of a broad range of high-performance plastics. © DSM

PLimC is the name of a versatile compound made from orange peels that enables the production of a broad range of high-performance plastics solely on the basis of renewable materials. For automotive applications, for example. Photo: Bonnet of a Mercedes Benz A-Class vehicle. © DSM

From waste to product