

Pharma Technology S.A. NV

Pharma Technology WIP concept with Alpha/Beta doors OEL 5

Sophisticated engineering leads to unreached flexibility, and efficient performance for WIP deduster-metal check project. Flex Connect, operator friendly patented flexible connectivity through the metal detector allows to assemble and disassemble the unit safely.
Therefore our company offers peripheral devices as integrated solutions, which provides great customer efficiency advantages. In addition to the «DT» containment performance OEB5, the new Washing In Place system permits the washing up of the equipment at the end of the production batch. Different solutions are offered as Washing In Line with the tablets press or Washing Off Line in a separated washing room.
This concept will guarantee that all volatile dust is removed before the dismantling of the equipment.
At the conception, an utmost care has been taken to simplify the design permitting to reduce the amount of parts to be assembled /disassembled and no tooling is required.
Only one connection for water in feed and one for waste is requested.

Exhibitor Data Sheet