


RONDO showcases many innovations at Interpack

The new MIDOS dough band former works without process flour and process oil

True to the motto " Dough-how & more" RONDO presents, at Interpack, in Hall 3 Stand D17, new technology and innovative processes for the production of premium bakery products in the areas of bread, rolls, pizza, and pastries, particularly croissant. The focus is on the new MIDOS industrial dough band former, which works entirely without dusting flour and process oil, thus becoming the first dough band former to meet the hygiene requirements of modern bakery machinery. The production of croissants is also an important feature, here, RONDO presents the TORNADO S, a new industrial croissant machine, combining highest quality in curling with the greatest output. In keeping with its position as an innovative partner of the bakery industry, RONDO shows for the first time at Interpack the patented Radical Bread Process (RBP), a further development of the classic Chorleywood Bread Process. The RBP Technology from RONDO allows the industrial production of premium toast and sandwich bread. RBP has the potential to produce excellent bread quality at significantly lower raw material costs.

MIDOS – the universal dough band former using no dusting flour or process oil

The MIDOS industrial dough band former (Multiple Industrial Dough System) combines the requirements of a powerful, flexible and very gentle dough band former with sophisticated, modern hygienic design.

MIDOS can handle all types of dough, producing a homogeneous dough band with uniform thickness and width, thus laying the foundation for the production of products to precise weight tolerances. In contrast to other systems, MIDOS can process dough with high water content and long resting time without dusting flour and process oil. Due to the unique arrangement of the rollers, MIDOS influences and controls the pore structure of the dough. Furthermore it has a modern hygienic design with all parts and components easily accessible for maintenance and cleaning. Similar to all RONDO industrial systems in ASTec design, MIDOS can be washed-down.

RBP - Innovative process for the production of toast and sandwich bread

Since the 60s, toast and sandwich bread has been made by the Chorleywood Bread Process. Together with the renowned British research institute Campden BRI RONDO has developed a new, innovative production process, the Radical Bread Process. RONDO presents this process at Interpack for the first time to the public. With the patented Radical Bread Process (RBP), the dough is kneaded conventionally, then processed on a modified laminating line, cut and panned in a special way. This results in a unique dough structure with a softer and more homogeneous crumb which is an important characteristic for Premium toast bread.

TORNADO S – industrial croissant machine from the latest generation

For the industrial production of croissants, RONDO presents at Interpack the new Tornado S industrial croissant machine. This modular machine is the cornerstone of the new generation RONDO croissant systems. The focus of the development work was to improve the curling quality and to increase production output. In addition to ease of use and durability, the developers managed to realise a very compact design. The new generation of croissant machines is of course designed according to the latest hygiene regulations, following the famous RONDO ASTec architecture (Advanced Sanitary Technology).

More innovations on the RONDO - booth

For the production of round-moulded rolls, RONDO exhibits a new rounding unit working without belt stop. On the process side, RONDO shows further innovations in pastry production: innovative solutions for the production of products with a long shelf life as well as for the production of gluten-free croissants and chocolate rolls.

CODEX by Rondo

RONDO’s daughter company CODEX by Rondo will also be represented on the RONDO booth. Under the slogan "Feel the Process" a groundbreaking method for continuous dough production under pressure and vacuum is presented. This new system from CODEX by Rondo for the production of puff, Danish and croissant dough, but also for bread and pizza dough, is, to date, the only system, which extrudes a continuous dough band directly onto the production line for further processing.

As always, awaiting visitors to the RONDO booth D17 in Hall 3, will be the combined expertise of the whole RONDO team, available to answer questions on all aspects of manufacturing processes and production equipment for baked goods. This year RONDO will also present for the first time "RONDO Industrial Solutions" - an independent group for consultation and sales of industrial equipment. The aim of the RIS group will be to address the needs of industrial customers and to provide advice and act as a consultant and technology provider.

Exhibitor Data Sheet