

Theegarten-Pactec GmbH & Co. KG

Research and Development Department for Flowpack Systems

Taking up speed: flowpacks are the preferred wrapping style for more and more products. (Theegarten-Pactec)

Increased demand and new applications

Theegarten-Pactec reports an increasing volume of queries on the program for horizontal flowpack machines. This is often in connection with products currently packed in other wrapping styles. In response, a special team has been formed in the Research and Development Department for Flowpack Systems, concentrating entirely on these challenges.

Overall, the company's Research and Development department currently employs 75 members of staff. At Theegarten-Pactec the topic of Research and Development has traditionally taken a very high priority. Extending beyond work for concrete customer requirements, regular projects are conducted in cooperation with the Technical University of Dresden. "We are committed to remaining in the forefield of the competition for the best ideas. And to achieve this, copying will not suffice. You must also invent new things - and that is the daily routine of our engineers", reports the head of the Development & Construction department, Bodo Förster.

From the viewpoint of confectionery producers, but also for other food and non-food applications, flowpack packaging offers, among other things, a high degree of security with its tamper-proofness. The welded packaging minimizes the ingression of dampness and odours.

Theegarten-Pactec offers horizontal flowpack machines in all performance categories: for hard candies (FPH5), chocolate (FPC5), as well as a high speed forming, cutting and wrapping machine (FPW5). In addition, a variant of the FPC5 is available for non-food products such as, for example, the processing of chemically aggressive dishwasher tabs. For further information please visit

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