Bread and pastry are optimally protected against temperature fluctuations, moisture and dehydration thanks to the right packaging. Photo: Lieken AG

Bread and pastry are optimally protected against temperature fluctuations, moisture and dehydration thanks to the right packaging. Photo: Lieken AG

Every year Germany produces 1.7 million tons of bread and pastry for the bin

How secondary use and innovative packaging can solve the problem

Shelf warmers

Photo: GEA Group

Cakes, bread and cookies are particularly susceptible to microbial attacks, oxygen and light. Modified Atmosphere Packaging promises high product safety and long durability. Photo: GEA Group

Freshly packaged

Differing needs  

Photo: SCHUR Flexibles

Cookies like it dry – fruit cakes prefer humidity. High-quality packaging films provide the desired protection for any product. Photo: SCHUR Flexibles

Joint initiative