Disposable or refillable? Most Germans are still unsure. Photo: Source: /

Disposable or refillable? Most Germans are still unsure. Photo: Source: /

Deposits for drink bottles – yes or no?

Confused about terminology

Photo: German Association of Local Distribution Companies (VKU)

In 2017 a European Week for Waste Reduction was held, involving 30 European countries and more than 13,000 campaigns under the motto “Reuse and repair: give it a new life”. Photo: German Association of Local Distribution Companies (VKU)

Benefits of multi-use

A deposit on refillable bottles was introduced in Germany for the first time by Coca-Cola in 1929. Photo: Coca-Cola Zero Sugar 0.2-litre refillable glass bottle

A deposit on refillable bottles was introduced in Germany for the first time by Coca-Cola in 1929. Photo: Coca-Cola Zero Sugar 0.2-litre refillable glass bottle

Refillable mark