Get the hang of it: Elyas M'Barek now advertises the iconic brand Orangina on billboards all across Germany. Photo: "obs/Schweppes"

Get the hang of it: Elyas M'Barek now advertises the iconic brand Orangina on billboards all across Germany. Photo: "obs/Schweppes"

Shaken not stirred

Orangina turns cans upside down

Shake the Pulp – Connoisseurs know that Orangina should be shaken before drinking in order to spread the pulp evenly. Photo: Orangina

Shake the Pulp – Connoisseurs know that Orangina should be shaken before drinking in order to spread the pulp evenly. Photo: Orangina

Art on bottle: Orangina Special Edition of French artist André Saraiva. Photo: RedVisitor

Art on bottle: Orangina Special Edition of French artist André Saraiva. Photo: RedVisitor

Shake it baby, shake

What’s going wrong here? Correct: the can opening is on the bottom. This special packaging with a “twist” was the idea of Paris agency BETC.

What’s going wrong here? Correct: the can opening is on the bottom. This special packaging with a “twist” was the idea of Paris agency BETC.

Upside down – with a smart marketing gimmick the packaging becomes the taste-deciding factor causing a stir at the PoS. Photo:

Upside down – with a smart marketing gimmick the packaging becomes the taste-deciding factor causing a stir at the PoS. Photo:

Fun head over heels: the French campaign “C’est shook” is designed to bring back fond childhood memories of holidays in France among young-at-heart adults. Photo: Orangina

Fun head over heels: the French campaign “C’est shook” is designed to bring back fond childhood memories of holidays in France among young-at-heart adults. Photo: Orangina