The world’s population continues to grow constantly, and carbon dioxide pollution of the earth grows in correlation with this. This results in high temperatures and drought for around a third of the world’s population. A multitude of measures, including political and legislative specifications for the industry and consumers, aim to ensure that the CO2 footprint is reduced.
One way that we can all reduce our individual carbon dioxide footprint is to stop eating meat, as industrial livestock farming has a significant influence on carbon dioxide pollution. Consequently, many people have started to make changes in their diet and give up eating meat and/or animal products either fully or part-time, and barbecues are no exception here: they’re going vegan too.
Vegan burgers, vegan sausages, vegan spreads - eating vegan food as a meat replacement has become trendy. When they choose meat substitutes, consumers are not only staying in vogue by supporting sustainability, they are also following the megatrend for conscious eating and health. The food group Nestlé has brought the first Garden Gourmet barbecue sausage onto the European market for the 2020 barbecue season. The “Sensational Bratwurst” uses 80% less land, 90% less water and 90% less CO2 over its life cycle in comparison to a pork sausage.