© Nestlé Nespresso SA

According to information provided by the Green Dot organisation, coffee capsules made of aluminium are perfectly suited to recycling. Some coffee capsule manufacturers have already applied for a voluntary take-back scheme through Duales System in Germany. © Nestlé Nespresso SA

Coffee capsules likely to remain exempt from mandatory deposit

Bei Nespresso hat man das klare Ziel: Die Kapseln sollen recycelt werden. Sie bestehen aus Aluminium, das unendlich oft recycelt werden kann. © Nestlé Nespresso SA

Nespresso has a stated aim: capsules must be recycled. They consist of aluminium, which is infinitely recyclable. © Nestlé Nespresso SA

But how realistic is the introduction of such a fee in Germany?

Paper recycling bags are designed to help achieve the company’s goal by 2020. © Nestlé Nespresso SA

The coffee giant is already providing recycling systems in over 30 countries and has installed numerous collection points. Paper recycling bags are designed to help achieve the company’s goal by 2020: by then the recycling ratio is to go up from some 80% now to 100% worldwide. © Nestlé Nespresso SA