France is the first country in the world to have passed a law against food waste. The “gourmet bag” is to encourage guests at restaurants to take home any unfinished food. Photo: © L. Pastural, France

France is the first country in the world to have passed a law against food waste. The “gourmet bag” is to encourage guests at restaurants to take home any unfinished food. Photo: © L. Pastural, France, 3 Auvergne

Doggy bags against food waste

The EU project REFRESH 

The European project REFRESH in Germany, Spain, Hungary and the Netherlands aims to promote anti-food-waste initiatives through alliances between governments, businesses and local interest groups.

The European project REFRESH in Germany, Spain, Hungary and the Netherlands aims to promote anti-food-waste initiatives through alliances between governments, businesses and local interest groups. Photo: REFRESH & Ecological Institute

500g of food remains unused for every meal

The takeaway box by the German design student Anne Poggenpohl is simple and intuitive to use: Open the package, put in the leftovers, close it and add a label with room for personal notes.

The takeaway box by the German design student Anne Poggenpohl is simple and intuitive to use: Open the package, put in the leftovers, close it and add a label with room for personal notes and cooking instructions. All with one hand! Photo: Veronique Huyghe, Anne Poggenpohl

2.6 million meals saved

Doggy bags around the world

One aim of the Zero Waste Scotland campaign is to encourage the use of reusable bags. Photo: Scotland’s 2020 Climate Group

One aim of the Zero Waste Scotland campaign is to encourage the use of reusable bags. Photo: Scotland’s 2020 Climate Group

Reservations about “gourmet bags”

Yes, the German version of a doggy bag – a Beste-Reste doggy box. Photo: German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV)

Yes, the German version of a doggy bag – a Beste-Reste doggy box. Photo: German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV)
