Somehow reminiscent of the invisible magic ink in J. K. Rowling's books. Hidden barcodes on the packaging as a promising innovation on the packaging market. Photo: Digimarc Corporation

Somehow reminiscent of the invisible magic ink in J. K. Rowling's books. Hidden barcodes on the packaging as a promising innovation on the packaging market. Photo: Digimarc Corporation

Invisible barcode could revolutionise packaging market

More information, less time needed

The first barcode was attached to Wrigley’s chewing gum packaging over 40 years ago. Photo: Wrigley

The first barcode was attached to Wrigley’s chewing gum packaging over 40 years ago. Photo: Wrigley

About the Pros...

... and Cons

Today’s merchandise cosmos can no longer be imagined without them: scanner systems. Photo: Datalogic

Today’s merchandise cosmos can no longer be imagined without them: scanner systems. Photo: Datalogic

Current uses