EXTENDO high-barrier films protect food against mineral oil migration. Photo: Taghleef Industries

EXTENDO high-barrier films protect food against mineral oil migration. Photo: Taghleef Industries

Migration of Mineral Oils: solutions not sufficiently used so far

Example 1: recycling paper and carton.

Consistent sorting of contaminated waste paper and the addition of wood pulp and fresh fibre brought the mineral oil content in many recycling and cardboard types down fairly rapidly. Photo: Lautaberl

Consistent sorting of contaminated waste paper and the addition of wood pulp and fresh fibre brought the mineral oil content in many recycling and cardboard types down fairly rapidly. Photo: Lautaberleise / The Grip

Example 2: barrier properties

WEILBURGER Graphics launched two new low-migration varnishes at interpack 2017. Photo: WEILBURGER Graphics

WEILBURGER Graphics launched two new low-migration varnishes at interpack 2017. Photo: WEILBURGER Graphics

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