Around the world, the number of overweight people is increasing. Affected nations are now attempting to contain this health problem, each in their own way. Almost all of them have decided to print information on food packaging as an initial measure; Chile, for example, introduced black warning labels some time ago. Nutrition experts in Germany have also been calling for a consumer-friendly labelling model for a long time – and the decision has now been made. Four proposals were brought to the table; the Nutri-Score system won consumers over.
1,600 consumers participated in a survey conducted by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture and provided a clear result: More than half of the respondents chose the Nutri-Score colour scale, which was developed in France. Besides this scale, respondents could choose between a design by the Food Federation Germany, a proposal submitted by the Max Rubner-Institut (MRI) as well as the Scandinavian Keyhole model.
The increase in food to-go and convenient ready meals means it’s not always easy to tell a product’s nutritional values at a glance. Even though packaged foods have all had to provide tables containing information on calories, fat, salt and other ingredients on the back of their packaging since 2016, Germany has demanded that a more comprehensible model be printed on the front of packaging for years. In July 2019, a consumer survey on four nutritional value labelling systems was finally conducted. Consumers could choose between the following options: