Convenient opening mechanisms such as pull-tab or peel-off lids ease the opening of tin cans. This is particularly handy when out of home. Photo: Initiative Lebensmitteldose

Convenient opening mechanisms such as pull-tab or peel-off lids ease the opening of tin cans. This is particularly handy when out of home. Photo: Initiative Lebensmitteldose

Packaging for Eternity

Protected Goods

VIDEO: How do I open a classic tin can without a can opener?

The Tin Can

Stand-up Pouches

Photo: Food for Adventure

Packaging must fulfil special requirements in extreme situations. During mountain hiking in the Himalayas, rafting tours in the Grand Canyon or in crisis and war zones meals can be prepared right in the packaging. Photo: Food for Adventure

Avoiding Food Losses

Emergency Food drinking water packaged in aluminium stand-up pouches can be kept for over 10 years. Photo: Convar Europe Ltd

Emergency Food drinking water packaged in aluminium stand-up pouches can be kept for over 10 years. Photo: Convar Europe Ltd