The stations at Aldi feature touch screens to help guide consumers through the process, while also educating them about the environmental benefits of using refillable containers. Image: GoUnpackaged
Berry Global designed and molds the reusable HDPE containers used in the system. They need to be lightweight, durable and able to withstand countless washing/disinfecting cycles. Image: GoUnpackaged
GoUnpackaged and the Refill Coalition aim to make use of their stations as simple as possible. Image: GoUnpackaged
The custom-designed, 4-liter vessel is compact and easy to handle and transport. Berry Global, meanwhile, is creating a different, 3-liter version, with two neck sizes, for use in Ocado Retail’s online shipments. Image: GoUnpackaged
The UK’s Refill Coalition is currently testing its stations in some Aldi UK stores in central England. It says research suggests that consumers are quite open to the concept, which could eliminate vast amounts of single-use plastic packaging. Image: GoUnpackaged