The new plastic strategy that has been passed also includes reinforcing waste reception facilities at harbours and more stringent requirements on unmixed plastic collections. The EU Commission is working on the assumption that only just over 30 per cent of an annual 26 million tonnes of plastic weight is currently being recycled.
The new strategy is to simplify reuse and reduce costs. According to official estimates, this should lead to a reduction of around EUR 100 per tonne. Yet it would also mean building large numbers of new recycling facilities, which will cost money again. The plans are to be made generally more attractive for the plastics industry, which employs a workforce of 1.5 billion and generates revenues of around EUR 340 billion (in 2015).
Irrespective of the new regulations, EU Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger wants to initiate an investigation whether an environmental tax might be introduced that will contribute billions to the EU budget.