Three garbage bins next to each other and one garbage sack for different kinds of waste.

Germans are known for separating their waste and the stereotype holds true. (Image: "Mülltrennung wirkt" (waste separation works) initiative / Steffen Jagenburg

Public obligations for recycling: Germany – a good role model?

Different foods and their respective packaging on a picnic blanket.

All these items of packaging need to be entered into the Packaging Register. (Image: "Mülltrennung wirkt" (waste separation works) initiative / Steffen Jagenburg)

The COVID-19 pandemic leads to an increase in shipping packages

Dual systems

Many parcels are stacked on top of each other in a delivery van.

Since the pandemic, more parcels have been sent than ever before. (Image: Claudio Schwarz / Unsplash)

Over-regulation or a good move?

Sealing system with a big pack ready for closure, side view

Image: SSB Wägetechnik GmbH

A graphic shows drums wrapped in stretch film on pallets. Red lightning bolts are printed on the film.

The antistatic stretch film is marked with printed red lightning bolts. Image: BASF