PKN created a “Walk of Fame” display of all 30 finalists. Display posters printed by Tango Signs. Image: PKN Packaging News
The inaugural PKN Women in Packaging awards, curated by Lindy Hughson, was well supported by the Australian packaging industry. Image: PKN Packaging News
Delta Global designed the PKN Women in Packaging trophies crafted from beech and oak wood. Image: PKN Packaging News
Freya Marsden shared wisdom and insights with women attendees. She advised: “Think like a leader.” Image: PKN Packaging News
Jessica O’Donnell of Close the Loop won the Communications Excellence award. Image: PKN Packaging News
Nayeleh Deirram, Amcor Flexibles, won Packaging Technology Leader. Image: PKN Packaging News
Marissa Altmeier of Pernod Ricard Winemakers was crowned Sustainability Leader. Image: PKN Packaging News
Hall of Fame inductee Nerida Kelton accepts the trophy from Lindy Hughson. Image: PKN Packaging News