In the food industry, starch is an important binding agent for sauces, soups, sweets, liquorice and ice cream, etc. In the chemical industry, it is used in glue, and as a stiffening agent for paper and textiles. Industrial modifications of raw starch result in better solubility in (cold) water, or modification into different types of sugars, such as dextrose, fructose or even base material for sweeteners. However, one of the largest food applications is transferral into glucose products.Starch is used in large quantities and Hosokawa Micron has a number of product ranges that are suitable for use in the continuous processing and modification of starch: the Schugi Flexomix and Schugimix. These can be designed to provide continuous agglomeration, including fluid bed drying and cooling.
Helping customers transform their products
Raw Starch During the milling of starches the humidity content decreases to below the desired product specification. By applying the Schugi Flexomix next, you can achieve a homogeneous product with exactly the specified moisture content.
Dry catonisation This type of starch is often used for special applications in the pulp and paper industries. The major advantage of this application is that the reaction agents and required amount of caustic soda can be added and distributed homogeneously in exactly the required amount, without overdosing, during a residence time of approximately 1 second. The mixture can be neutralised after a certain residence time.
Agglomeration and instantisation Pre-gelatinised starch is difficult to disperse in water. The fine powder typically stays on the liquid surface. Wet agglomeration produces an agglomerate with an open structure and optimal dispersion characteristics. Mixtures for instant sauces can also be produced in this way. In general, the result will be an agglomerate with optimal flow properties, minimal dust and optimal dispersion characteristics.
Starch derivatives Maltodextrine and (for example) dextrose can be agglomerated to obtain optimal flow properties. Starch derivatives can be applied as a carrier in tablet making to optimise the performance of the tablet press.