

Taketomo Inc.

TAKETOMO - Developing innovative products for

TAKETOMO has been supplying a number of pharmaceutical companies with the packaging materials for their products. We also have been supplying customers in the EU market with a part of our product lines.

TAKETOMO is a development type marketing company, aggressively challenging for development of a lot of potential packaging materials for pharmaceutical products in collaboration with many pharmaceutical companies.

Packaging material for blister pack (PTP - press through pack) is one of our business strengths in the market and films, such as PVC, PP and multi-layered barrier films, to be used for lid of blister pack (PTP aluminum foil), are supplied for customers as well. In addition, materials for pouching and those of flexible packaging for outer packs are also supplied.

Exhibition at interpack2014 is TAKETOMO’s first challenge ever. In this exhibition, our packaging materials for pharmaceutical products having been supplied for many years and new packaging materials currently under development will be exhibited.
Listed below are our new products under development and existing products
which are widely interested in the market for application.

1) Blister pack absorbing oxygen/moisture
A new AL/AL blister pack laminated with film absorbing oxygen and moisture. (development ongoing)

2) Anti-counterfeiting blister pack
Blister pack having visually steric effect based on the application of technologies for printing which enables to easily identify anti-counterfeit at a glance, but difficult for counterfeiting. (development ongoing)

3) Resist printing for RFID circuit/pattern
RFID circuit/pattern with extremely thin lines can be printed on laminated aluminum foil based on high level of printing technologies accumulated for many years. Our circuit/patterns printed are used for various applications of RFID products locally and internationally.

Other existing materials/products for pharmaceutical packaging will also be exhibited at our booth in Japan pavilion and the details will be available then.

Exhibitor Data Sheet