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Registration period ends soon!

Dear Sir or Madam,

Be part of #interpack2020. You still have the opportunity to register for the number one event of the processing and packaging industry until 28/02/2019. The hall planning will begin after the registration deadline.


Register online now

Do you want to participate in #interpack2020 as an exhibitor again? Then please use your log-in data from interpack 2017, in order to register at

In case you forgot your password or your login details, our team is happy to help you:+49(0)211 4560-400,

Are you interested in taking part in #interpack2020 as an exhibitor, but still need more information? Please find our facts and figures on our website.

Optimised hall layout

Exhibitors and visitors alike are excited about the completely new Hall 1 and the new South Entrance, but that’s not all: the hall layout now is even more dedicated to the segmentation of interpack, to allow visitors a more efficient trade fair visit.
New hall layout

#interpack2020 - more digital than ever

365-day media and content distribution, new event app, digital guide, interactive hall plans, innovative information systems, new matchmaking options and optimised hall layout. All this and much more makes #interpack2020 an international digital pioneer for packaging trade fairs.

Don’t let your chance to participate slip through your fingers; make the most of this unique event concept.

Follow us! #interpack2020

Ensure your presence on the most significant channels

Have you already connected with us? Become a member of our interpack linkedin group which transmits news and information on the packaging industry worldwide or follow us with our official hashtag #interpack2020 on Twitter. Have you already liked interpack on Facebook or will you take part in the XING Event #interpack2020 ?

Take your networking to the latest digital level!

If you have questions or if you’d like to receive more information on a certain topic, we’d be delighted if you would contact us and tell us what you need.
Here’s to excellent collaboration and a successful #interpack2020

interpack Team

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Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
Messeplatz, Stockumer Kirchstr. 61
40474 Düsseldorf, Germany

Phone: +49 211 4560-01
Fax: +49 211 4560-668

County Court Düsseldorf HRB 63

Board of Managing Directors: Wolfram N. Diener (Chairman), Marius Berlemann, Bernhard J. Stempfle

Chairman of Supervisory Board: Mayor Dr. Stephan Keller

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