Amazing business deals and a scorching investment climate
63% of our visitors were decision-makers
170,899 visitors from 169 countries
943 accredited journalists from 48 countries
For exhibitorsGood reasons why
No other trade fair in the world
can show you the entire value-added chain. No other trade fair shows the packaging industry in all its glory, with its huge variety of materials, all industrial sectors, tailor-made solutions and innovative concepts.
#interpack 2020
is THE unmissable event for the food, drink, confectionery, baked goods, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, non-food and industrial goods sectors.
75% of our visitors
were from the executive or top management ranks
96% of our visitors
recommend interpack to their colleagues and employees. 98% of our visitors were happy with their participation in the trade fair.
components – a special trade fair by interpack
This trade fair is being driven on to bigger and better things. We’ve revised the concept from 2017 by bringing it up to date for 2020 and expanding it
presented tailor-made solutions and innovative concepts at interpack 2017. This makes interpack the indispensable event for the food, beverage, confectionery, bakery, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, non-food and industrial goods sectors.