{salutation}, Thank you for your binding registration as a co-exhibitor at components 2023. The planning of the halls will begin in the spring of 2021 and we will make every effort to consider requests regarding stand size and placement of the main exhibitor. You will receive further information on the way to components 2023 on an ongoing basis. Sincerely, Your components team {ZB begin} P.S. For further information, you may also contact our representative in your country: {ZB_FIRMENNAME1} Tel.: {ZB_CPTEL} Mail: {ZB_CPEMAIL} {ZB end} {AU_AUFTRAGNR} ##Typ=Anmeldebestaetigung {AU_AUFTRAGSART}## ##Messenummer=1{CUSTOM_MESSENUMMER}## ##Auftragsnummer={AU_AUFTRAGNR}## ##Kundennummer={AU_KUNNR}## ##KundenEMail={Y2_CPEMAIL}## ##Sprache={AU_SPRACHE}## ##AdressId={Y2_ADRESSIDCRM}## ##KontaktpersonenID={Y2_CPIDCRM}## ##Kampagnentitel=Anmeldebestaetigungcomponents2023## ##Gruppe=10271## ##Status=erledigt##