{salutation}, Thank you for your binding registration for components 2023. Unfortunately, we cannot take your wishes into account at the moment. Therefore, you will be placed on the waiting list. In case a suitable stand area should become available, we will inform you immediately. If you have any questions about ideal system stand construction or construction services, please feel free to contact us via email to ServiceAlliance@Messe-Duesseldorf.de or call us on +49 211 4560 600. Sincerely, Your components team {ZB begin} P.S. For further information, you may also contact our representative in your country: {ZB_FIRMENNAME1} Tel.: {ZB_CPTEL} Mail: {ZB_CPEMAIL} {ZB end} {AU_AUFTRAGNR} ##Typ=Anmeldebestaetigung {AU_AUFTRAGSART}## ##Messenummer=1{CUSTOM_MESSENUMMER}## ##Auftragsnummer={AU_AUFTRAGNR}## ##Kundennummer={AU_KUNNR}## ##KundenEMail={Y2_CPEMAIL}## ##Sprache={AU_SPRACHE}## ##AdressId={Y2_ADRESSIDCRM}## ##KontaktpersonenID={Y2_CPIDCRM}## ##Kampagnentitel=Anmeldebestaetigungcomponents2023## ##Gruppe=10271## ##Status=erledigt##